Kaleb :: 2020 Senior

For someone who doesn’t looooove having their picture taken, this guy managed to not only survive my **ehem** enthusiasm for the trails and fall colors but crushed the natural smile and relaxed look. You rock, Kaleb. Apparently everyone thinks so, because I’m pretty sure I remember hearing something about him being Homecoming King. So anyway…

Ok what follows has NOTHING to do with Kaleb’s session or our online celebration of him and his final year! Now that you’ve been warned, I just couldn’t help but laugh when my YouTube suggested songs rotated to this. I changed tabs and saw this AMAZING collage of images that I should probably keep handy for this summer’s inspiration….no?? No…. No. Don’t worry. It won’t start playing if you click on it.

So maybe the point is…if you don’t love photos but you’re a senior and you HAVE to….you can lean on me. I’ll get us through.

Ok let’s just think about Kaleb now.

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